David, Nottingham

We wanted a real statement piece and this exceeded our expectations. The detailing around the edge of the basin is superb and the colours are very vibrant. Would certainly purchase another.

Harriet, Kent

I purchased this sink for a recent bathroom renovation. The hand painted design is stunning and makes such a difference to the room. Our plumber had no problem fitting either.

Selene, Kidderminster

We’ve been searching for ages for a painted sink. The olive painting really stood out from other options and the orange is amazing (even better in real life). It’s nice to have something different and now we have it!

Simon, Stonehaven

Our Bed & Breakfast has a few different themes, one being outdoorsy/ gardening. The detail on each of the flowers/ herbs is tremendous. Having something hand painted makes such a difference and we’re always getting great comments from our guests.

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