African Wash Basin Size Guide

We have three varieties of our hand made African Wash Basin range. We have the circular sinks in both small and medium sizes as well as the oval shaped wash basin range for something a little different. Take a look at our handy size guide below:

Small Wash Basins

Our Small Wash Basins are 34cm in diameter and 16cm deep. Our smallest ceramic basins are brilliant for if you’re looking for a focal point in cloakroom bathrooms or even utility rooms. If you have a smaller wash basin area our small ceramic wash basins are the perfect solution. The basins are compatible with all regular fixtures and fittings so if you’re thinking of replacing your current cloakroom sink our small african ceramic basins will be ideal.

Take a look at all of our Small Sized Wash Basins Here

Medium Wash Basins

Our Medium Wash Basins are 40cm in diameter and 17cm deep. Our medium basins are slightly deeper than the small basins, but provide an extra 6cm in width, which makes a surprising difference. The medium ceramic basins are great for main bathroom sinks or even a decorative kitchen sink. If you’re looking for a visual impact in your bathroom, kitchen or utility these medium sized wash basins are the perfect solution. The basins are compatible with all regular fixtures and fittings so if you’re thinking of replacing your current wash sink our medium african ceramic basins will be ideal.

Take a look at all of our Medium Sized Wash Basins Here

Oval Wash Basins

Our Oval Shaped Wash Basins are 46cm x 35cm in diameter and 11cm deep. Our oval wash basins are slightly shallower than the round basins, but provide a much wider area, with the oval design providing a stunning focal point. The oval ceramic basins are great for decorative bathroom sinks or even a kitchen sink. If you’re looking for a visual impact in your bathroom, kitchen or utility these oval shaped wash basins are the perfect solution. The basins are compatible with all regular fixtures and fittings so if you’re thinking of replacing your current wash sink our medium african ceramic basins will be ideal.

Take a look at all of our Oval Shaped Wash Basins Here

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