Sinks Matter…How To Avoid Sink Envy!

We have all been there….the time when you visits someones home for the first time and you just go wow! look at that amazing sink they have.

Immediately you start thinking that the perfectly useable and efficient white ‘normal’ sink is no longer what ‘most’ people have in their homes. This is called Sink Envy. It is happening up and down the country and right around the world every minute of every day. ‘oh i popped from Patsy’s last night, Patsy Who, you know Patsy from School, ah ok, anyway….she had an amazing sink. All hand painted and bright and colourful. I think I have Sink Envy! This is why we here are are here to help stop sink envy and take the stink out of you sink. Choose from a wide range of beautifully hand crafted African style basins, which fit like a normal sink would in your home and then bring some colour or theme to one of your bathrooms or toilets. Check out our full range of African Basin today…… and get rid of your sink envy and create a little of you own.

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